La Uva
I've been in hyper drive the past week. I am not quite sure what happened (well, Mercury went direct), but I am suddenly obsessed with creating order. I feel freed from the end of winter blues, and am spring cleaning in my own odd fashion. (ie. the house is a mess, but all the shredding is done...)
I've mainly been focusing on paperwork and gardening. They balance each other nicely. The shredding was a monumental job. I sorted 3 years worth of financial records and "essentialized". Basically, if it didn't relate specifically to our taxes, it was shredded. I did most of this when my husband was NOT around. He is a packrat. I used to be a packrat, but once married, there can be only one and he is far more invested. With regards to paper, packrat means not only is the bill kept, but also the original (torn) envelope, the advertising flyers that arrived with the bill, the return envelope... Multiply this by 3 years, and this has been my shredding.
Andy walked up during the tail end of the last round, and started panicking. "You are going so fast." Yes.
Gardening has been more rewarding. I've finally begun to appreciate our yard, and the plants which are there. At the moment there are tons of blue flowers: English bluebells, forget-me-nots (which I think are named because they tend to take over and be hard to forget...) and grape hyacinth. I have several rhodies, and the apple tree looks beautiful. At the moment there is morning fog drifting between the branches. The only thing missing is a blue hydrangea.
This has been such a peaceful way to wake up. Looking out the window, watching the backyard world begin to stir.