Garden madness
I visited a garden nursery on Tuesday. It is a local institution, with a wonderful cafe, beautiful plants, and sobering prices. I bought a small vinca for a shady area for $3.49.
I was drawn to the evergreen hedges, though. I have a beautiful laurel on the South side of my house. When we first moved in it was overgrown, and a little scary. Now it has been pruned for 3 summers and is really beautiful. I've a new appreciation for hedges.
On craigslist this past weekend, I've noticed people listing plants. Several hedges were listed, and after checking out the prices at the nursery, I am quite willing to go dig. My only thought is how to get the bush/hedge into the truck once I've dug it out. Rootballs and limbs are heavy.
I mentioned my plan to Andy, and he seemed a little frightened ; )
I am very excited for you! People are selling shrubs from their lawns? What an interesting enterprise.
Actually, the ones I've been seeing are being given away. People don't like them, and would rather not dig them up themselves. I've been focusing on native northwest plants. They are readily available, and often volunteer themselves or are given away. They also tend to do really well, divide, and multiply.
I'm going thru' the same phase as you right now. Headache.. actually..!!
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