Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I recently began receiving "Everyday Cheapskate".  The following is an excerpt:
Mary Hunt is the creator of The Cheapskate Monthly newsletter, which can be ordered online at www.cheapskatemonthly.com/um.
ways to simplify your life

A study conducted by Trends Research Institute revealed that about 80 percent of respondents said they would be willing to accept a reduction in pay if they could work fewer hours to spend more time with their families.

It's a lovely thought, but how realistic is it? Working less usually means earning less -- hardly an option for most people. However, we can still take small steps to simplify our complicated lives. A little bit here and there -- before you know it, your efforts will add up to something significant.

1. GETTING RID OF YOUR LIFE'S JUNKY CLUTTER. The method is a cheap, fast and effective way to emotional and intellectual happiness.
2. BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. The social imperative that one must consume more and more to be happy is what breeds dissatisfaction and unfulfillment. Consumer culture consistently ratchets up standards so we constantly upgrade in order to keep up. It takes a conscious effort to desire less.
3. WRITE DOWN THE THINGS YOU NEED TO REMEMBER. And forget everything else. Don't allow your mind to dwell on things over which you have no control.
4. SHARE, LEND, BORROW AND RENT. Part of the reason we have our love affair with shopping and consumerism is because we think we need to personally own everything we use. Before you agree to complicate your life further with yet another possession, consider alternatives.
5. TURN OFF THE TV. You may not realize how your household television viewing is affecting your purchasing and lifestyle choices. If you are addicted to television, kicking the habit will simplify your life and allow you to find satisfaction.
6. DRIVE A SIMPLE CAR. High-end luxury automobiles are nice to drive, but can complicate one's life. Typically they are gas-guzzlers, and are expensive to insure, register, maintain and repair.
7. SELECT PATTERNED CARPET. Light colored, plush carpeting is beautiful but shows every speck, spot, fleck and crumb. If you want your carpets to look good without having to spend all your free time spotting, vacuuming, deflecking and uncrumbing, go with something speckled, patterned or multicolored.
8. TAKE CHARGE OF THE PHONE. Just because it happens to be a convenient time for someone to call you doesn't mean it's convenient for you to answer. Get an answering machine and then return calls at your discretion and when it is convenient. Getting control of the phone will add simplicity to your life.
9. BECOME LABEL CONSCIOUS. Unless it's mandatory for your profession, do not buy clothes that must be dry-cleaned. You'll save time, aggravation and a ton of money over the long haul.
10. GET UP EARLIER. The best hour of the day is the one right before you normally get up. It may take you a few weeks to truly enjoy that hour right before dawn, but when you create the habit you will be amazed by the simplicity that 60 quiet, stress-free minutes will add to your day.

Rarely buy dry clean only (and rarely dryclean when I do...sometimes to my regret).   Hardwood floors instead of patterned carpet.  And when I am up earlier I appreciate the down time, but it's not a habit.  Other than that, I very much follow the first six tips.  We are so trained to consume.  It can be exhausting.  It is so important to learn to create our own definitions of successs.


At 4:17 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I think it's good to reduce our expenses and try to get by without all the latest things. Life is much less stressful..


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