Alexa and I went to the store. Very close to her nap time, so a little rough around the edges. We had a wonderful time coming home, though. Alexa loves her new perch in the front seat.
Alexa is always saying "eyes, eyes" whenever we turn towards the sun. I bought a package of sunglasses (little kids' party favors) in bright colors. I thought they'd be a fun solution. She took to her new orange pair immediately (I hid the rest). She figured out how to put them on -- upside down, but they stayed on! She looked adorable, and I realized how much she is patterning herself on me. Part of me is worried ~ I am not the best example of many things.
Seeing her wearing her sunglasses and sitting in the frontseat(just like mommy), well, it was a beautiful feeling.
What are you driving? Why is Alexa is the front seat? Is it a truck?
I am driving pre-airbag Honda Accord. She is in the front seat because she was refusing to get into the carseat when it was in the middle of the back seat. She is obsessed with the front seat, and I think really wants to drive. I am not thrilled to have her right next to a door. I liked it when she was in the middle of the back seat, but at least I can get her into the carseat and go more than 1 place.
My Chloe hates the sunglass!
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